Monday, January 24, 2011


I apologize for not writing in quite awhile. I don't particularly know who I am apologizing too but I like to fantasize that somewhere out there, someone reads this.

Been studying Buddhism about 4 or 5 months now and find it very interesting. Got my first pair of customized mala beads recently. They are gorgeous, will have to post a pic of them soon.

Since I last posted here, some things in my life have changed. I aquired two beautiful pet rats. Females named Princess Ruby Sativa and Royal Duchess Victoria. I love them.

Also, I have started a new relationship - began in October of 2010. I have known him for about a year already but only because he dropped his nephew off at an old daycare I worked at before. Now I really know him as a person. He is wonderful. Loves heavy metal, motorcycles, and has some wonderful tattoos which reminds me, I finally got MY first tat in December 2010! Will have to post pics of that too.

Still going to group therapy but think after these sessions end I won't be going back for awhile.

I have lost 5 lbs since beginning of January 2011 and aiming to lose 10 more by March 2011 and tone my body. It is hard but I can see small improvements everyday. I refuse to dislike what I see in the mirror.

Today it is rainy and grey outside. I feel more calm on dark and rainy days.

Will try to write again tomorrow! Follow me on twitter @ missnikkidotcom !!

Sent from Miss Nikki