Monday, June 28, 2010

Accept the things you cannot change

I am so unhappy with my life. I feel like I am sixteen years old all over again.

As you may have previously read, I met someone whom I thought I might get along well with. This person asked me to be his girlfriend officially after 3 days of knowing me, and I said we should get to know eachother better first. Eff, am I ever glad I made THAT brilliant decision.

After knowing eachother for almost 2 weeks, he began to ignore my phonecalls and make excuses. Eventually, this Sunday, he told me that we never should have met each other. That our lifestyles are too "different" you might say. He is a Christian. I am not. This was very abrupt and I was totally taken aback. He is also younger so I am sure his family played a role in this as well.

Even now, sitting outside the same place where we first met on my break, I have a very tiny hope that he would pull up in his car and apologize and beg me for another chance. Stupid, I know. Wishful thinking.

I guess we all have this idea that Christians are supposed to be upstanding people, so maybe I was a bit jaded in thinking he was just a really nice guy. Not only did he lie, but he hurt my feelings pretty badly.

Now I have to be at work, dealing with this stupid inner turmoil and pretending everything is fine. It is even harder when my coworkers are making silly decisions and annoying me to boot.

I am about ready to give up on my romantic life all together. Every man I have met thus far has not improved my impression of the gender.

I don't know what to do

Monday, June 21, 2010

Why we always say goodbye

Wrote this on Saturday...
I have learned a lot of things regarding my "love life" in the past couple weeks. You most definitley cannot control or put into place when you will meet someone who just might be right.

It is an absolutely glorious, sun filled day, and right now, sitting outside on my deck tanning my pasty whites, I haven't felt this peaceful in awhile. I love Saturday mornings.

You can meet new people in the strangest of places. For example, at a gas station, when you don't even own a vehicle.

On my lunch break this week, I went to my usual cigarette spot, behind a gas station across from work. Minding my own business, he stopped for a cigarette next to me and struck up a conversation, which eventually led to him asking for my number. He seemed shy, and like he may not have done that a lot, otherwise I probably wouldn't have given it to him.

He has already called and we have already spent some fun times together. He is very different from me which, in the end, could be a good thing. I don't know where this is going, but right now, I'm just gunna go with it.

So I guess my advice to anyone at all who cares is this: we all need to stop trying to control in our lives what we cannot. When we least expect it, it will happen.
Sent from my BlackBerry device on the Rogers Wireless Network

Monday, June 7, 2010

Don't call my name, don't bother me

So I'm a bit pissed off. Just about to finish a blog entry about a very cruel experience that I underwent this past weekend, however I lost it somehow in the world of crackberry. Now, I have little to no motivation to tell you all the story all over again. All I can do is give you some advice, and urge you all, men or women, to protect yourselves from liars and manipulators roaming the dating website,

I met up with someone I believed to be a genuine, nice guy. Let's just say I was wrong, and after being avoided for a whole week and given tons of excuses as to why he couldn't meet with me again, he assured me he was still interested... Then dropped me, and told me in so many words that he would not be seeing me again.

Men; make up your minds. Be straight up; don't tell a girl you are looking for a good woman, or that you are sick of being single, when in reality you haven't gotten laid in a year and are just a lonely sad sack.

My whole life I have been affected negatively by men who do not appreciate me for the sensitive yet strong and passionate woman that I am. I am so tired of this vicious circle. I have been single a little over a year now, which is very long for me, and although I am very young I still feel the need to settle down. I hope one day to meet someone who can truly compliment myself, and be a better half for me. Maybe you think it silly, a girl just longing for love... But what good would life be without love?