Sunday, September 5, 2010

I am whatever you say I am

It's funny and maybe a bit cliche to some, but listening to Eminem really seems to help me release my angry emotions in a positive way. Has for years.

Imagine this - a skinny little white gal trying to crump and rap at the same time, all while feeling the instense emotions of the lyrics. To me that paints a funny pic, but I guess it's not much different from Marshall Mathers himself, the only difference being his sex.

When I listen to those fantasies of killing and torturing and getting revenge on those people in life who have hurt you, it really makes me feel better to listen to. I guess it is because I have been told my whole life that those thoughts I have of hurting others who have hurt me, are BAD thoughts, and should not be voiced.

I never acted or act on any of my thoughts of "hurting" people, and I believe it is perfectly fine to voice your thoughts. In fact, I think some of the serial killers out there probably had to suppress those feelings, and they wouldn't have lashed out by murdering if someone had just listened to them.

If you have thoughts of bringing pain upon others, believe me you are not alone, it's just when those thoughts turn to impulses and actions against others that you should be getting major professional help right away. I believe there is nothing wrong with voicing your thoughts to the appropriate person: therapist, confidant, best friend who understands who you really are, just don't actually go out there and beat people to death.

Thanks Eminem for helpin me realease some angry emotions today and I recommend his music to anyone else needing to get some shit off their chest.

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